2022 m. birželio-rugpjūčio mėn.


Antakalnio g. 54 mokymo rūmų biblioteka

Kompiuterija ir kompiuterinė technologija

  1. Sgarbi, L. (2021). Python for beginners 2021: ultimate step by step guide to machine learning using Python. Milton Keynes, UK]: [Lightning Source UK Lt].

Olandų g. 16 mokymo rūmų biblioteka

Transporto priemonių technika.
Kelių transportas

  1. Ehsani, M. (2018). Modern electric, hybrid electric, and fuel cell vehicles (Third edition.). Boca Raton, FL: Taylor&Francis, CRC Press.
  2. Miller, J. (2021). The driving instructor’s handbook (Twenty-second edition.). London ; New York, NY: Kogan Page.


  1. Benton, J. R. (2021). How to understand art. London: Thames & Hudson Ltd.
  2. Cerasi, J. (2021). Contemporary art decoded. London: Ilex.
  3. Graham Campbell, J. (2021). Viking art (New edition.). London: Thames & Hudson.
  4. Harman, G. (2020). Art and objects (Reprint 2021.). Cambridge ; Malden, MA: Polity.
  5. Yot, R. (2020). Light for visual artists: understanding and using light in art & design (2nd ed.). London: Laurence King Publishing.
  6. Ivanic, S. (2022). Catholica: the visual culture of Catholicism. London: Thames & Hudson.
  7. Fowkes, Maja, & Fowkes, Reuben. (2022). Art and climate change. London: Thames & Hudson.
  8. Pastoureau, M. (2018). Raudona: spalvos istorija. Vilnius: Artseria.

Piešimas. Dizainas

  1. Bingham, C. (2022). The new naturalists: inside the homes of creative collectors: with over 300 illustrations. London: Thames & Hudson Inc.
  2. de Fayet, Olivia, & Saulay, Fanny. (2022). At home with art: a beginner’s guide to collecting on any budget (English edition.). Paris: Flammarion : Wilo&Grove.
  3. Eissen, Koos, & Steur, Roselien. (2020). Sketching: the basics. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: BIS Publishers.
  4. Elam, K. (2020). Introduction to three-dimension design: principles, processes, and projects. New York: Princeton Architectural Press.
  5. (2021). Cut and fold techniques for pop-up designs. Laurence King Publishing.
  6. Langan, Alana, & Vidal, Jacqui. (2022). Nature style: cultivating wellbeing at home with plants. London: Thames & Hudson.
  7. Mayer, Jeffrey, Conover, Todd, & Tagliaferro, Lauren. (2019). 500 Patterns. London: Laurence King.
  8. Ramstedt, F. (2020). The interior design handbook. London]: Particular Books, an imprint of Penguin Books.
  9. Robinson, L. B. (2020). Research-based programming for interior design. New York: Fairchild Books.


  1. Drori, J. (2018). Around the world in 80 trees. London, United Kingdom: Laurence King Publishing Ltd.
  2. Drori, J. (2021). Around the world in 80 plants. London, United Kingdom: Laurence King Publishing Ltd.


  1. Picturebook makers (English-language edition.). (2022). London]: dPICTUS.

Fotografija ir panašūs procesai

  1. Adam, R. (2022). Polaroid: the missing manual: the complete creative guide. London: Thames & Hudson.
  2. Campany, D. (2020). On photographs: with 120 illustrations. London: Thames & Hudson.
  3. Cotton, C. (2020). The photograph as contemporary art: 273 illustrations (Fourth edition.). London: Thames & Hudson.
  4. Howarth, S. (2022). The mindful photographer. London: Thames and Hudson.
  5. James, C. (2020). The book of alternative photographic processes (Third Edition.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.
  6. Marien, M. W. (2021). Photography: a cultural history (Fifth edition.). London: Laurence King Publishing.
  7. Salgado, S. (2021). Sebastião Salgado: from my land to the planet. Roma: Contrasto.

Kinas. Kino filmai 

  1. Grierson, T. (2021). This is how you make a movie. London: Laurence King Publishing.