2023 m. balandžio-rugpjūčio mėn.


Antakalnio g. 54 mokymo rūmų biblioteka

Mokslas ir žinios

  1. Dawkins, R. (2018). Science in the soul: selected writings of a passionate rationalist. London: Black Swan.
  2. Kaku, M. (2012). Physics of the future: the inventions that will transform our lives. London: Penguin books.
  3. Newman, Daniel, & Blanchard, Olivier. (2019). Human/machine: the future of our partnership with machines. London: Kogan Page.

Psichologija. Vadyba. Verslas

  1. Bendle, N. (2021). Key marketing metrics: the 50+ metrics every manager needs to know(3-rd edition.). Harlow, England: Pearson Education, Limited.
  2. Brophy, A. (2013). The Financial Times guide to lean: how to streamline your organisation, engage employees and create a competitive edge. Harlow: Pearson.
  3. Horton, S. (2016). The leader’s guide to negotiation: how to use soft skills to get hard results. Harlow: Pearson.
  4. Horton, S. (2022). Change their mind: six steps to persuade anyone, anytime. Harlow: Pearson.
  5. Yemm, G. (2013). The sales book. Harlow: Pearson.
  6. Jagodzinska, K. (2023). The Financial Times guide to high impact negotiation: a comprehensive guide for executing valuable deals and partnerships(First edition.). Harlow: Pearson.
  7. Mckeown, M. (2014). The innovation handbook: how to manage ideas and execution to deliver outstanding results. Harlow: Pearson.
  8. Newton, R. (2013). Project management book. Harlow: Pearson.
  9. Stimmel, C. L. (2017). Evolving innovation ecosystems: a guide to open idea transformation in the age of future tech. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.
  10. Williams, S. (2022). The Financial Times guide to business start up 2021/2023: the most comprehensive guide for entrepreneurs(32-nd edition.). Harlow, England: Pearson.

Gelžbetoninės konstrukcijos

  1. Calavera, J. (2012). Manual for detailing reinforced concrete structures to EC2. London: Spon Press.


  1. Christopher, M. (2023). Logistics and supply chain management(Sixth edition.). Harlow: Pearson.
  2. Lloyd, R. (2018). Successful integrated planning for the supply chain: key organizational and human dynamics. London ; New York, NY: Kogan Page Limited.
  3. Lowe, David, & Pidgeon, Clive. (2019). Lowe’s transport manager’s and operator’s handbook 2019(49th ed.). London: KoganPage.
  4. O‘Sullivan, S. (2019). Supply chain disruption: aligning business strategy and supply chain tactics(1 edition.). London: KoganPage.
  5. Urban logistics: management, policy and innovation in a rapidly changing environment. (2019). London; New York NY: KoganPage.

Tarpusavio santykiai įmonėje

  1. Pearson, D. (2020). Facilities management: what really matters: a guide to the human aspect of successful facilities management. San Antonio, Texas: Halo Publishing International.

Olandų g. 16 mokymo rūmų biblioteka

Kompiuterija ir kompiuterinė technologija

  1. 5G and 6G communication technologies. (2022). Burlington: Arcler Press.
  2. 5G internet of things and changing standards for computing and electronic systems. (2022). Hershey, PA: Engineering Science Reference (an imprint of IGI Global).
  3. Nagvajara, P. (2023). Digital systems projects (First edition.). Dan Diego, CA: Cognella Academic Publishing.
  4. Nilson, Linda Burzotta, & Goodson, Ludwika A. (2021). Online teaching at its best: merging instructional design with teaching and learning research(Second edition.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass : Wiley Brand.


  1. Abu Mahfouz, I. (2022). Instrumentation: theory and practice. Cham: Springer.
  2. Bolivar, N. (2022). Carbon electronics. Burlington, ON: Arcler Press LLC.
  3. Srinivas, K. N. (2021). Basic electrical engineering (Second edition.). New Delhi: IK International Publishing House.
  4. Zhang, X. (2023). Modern signal processing. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter : Tsinghua University Press Limited.

Šiluminiai varikliai

  1. Ferrari, Giancarlo, D’Errico, Gianluca, & Onorati, Angelo. (2022). Internal combustion engines. Bologna: Societa Editrice Esculapio.
  2. Han, Z. (2022). Simulation and optimization of internal combustion engines. Warrendale, Pennsylvania, USA: SAE International.
  3. Heywood, J. B. (2018). Internal combustion engine fundamentals(2nd ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.

Automatinio valdymo technologija

  1. Recent developments in automatic control systems. (2023). Gistrup, Denmark ; New York, NY: River Publishers : Routledge.
  2. Veenadevi, S.V., Hiremath, Sujatha, & Nag K., Sowmya. (2022). Control systems. New Delhi: IK International Pvt. Ltd.

Keramika. Keramikos dirbiniai

  1. Genders, C. (2021). sources of inspiration. London: Herbert Pres.

Grožinė literatūra

  1. Antonioni, M. (2022). Kėglinė prie Tibro. Vilnius]: Odilė.
  2. Eidrigevičius, S. (2023). Meno klajūno eskizai: esė ir kiti tekstai. Vilnius: Apostrofa.
  3. Fellini, F. (2020). Intymus žodynas: tekstai ir vaizdai. Vilnius: Odilė.
  4. Mekas, J. (2021). Raštai. Vilnius: Odilė.
  5. Mekas, J. (2022). Raštai. Vilnius: Odilė.
  6. Mekas, Jonas, Landsbergis, Vytautas, Mekas, Adolfas, Miłosz, Czesław, & Venclova, Tomas. (2021). Raštai. Vilnius: Odilė.