A new Erasmus+ project is launched at the Faculty of Civil Engineering - "Discover the knowledge and experience of construction professionals"


A new Erasmus+ project “Discover the Know-How of Construction Professionals” No. 2023-1-TR01-KA220-VET-000150804 has been launched at the Faculty of Construction of Vilnius College of Technology and Design following the signing of a partnership agreement.

Project implementation period: 31.12.2023 – 30.12.2025.

Project promoter – Eskişehir Technical University (Republic of Turkey)

Project promoter – Eskisehir Technical University Project partners:

Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit University (Republic of Turkey);

Vilnius College of Technology and Design (Lithuania);

Technical University of Warsaw (Poland)

Polish Association of Construction Managers (Republic of Poland);

Company Insaat Malzemeleri Sanayi ve Ticaret Ltd. Sti. (Republic of Turkey);

TAV Tepe Akfen Investment Construction and Operations Co. (Republic of Turkey).

The project will create a distance learning platform to enable civil engineering students, graduates and established engineers across Europe to share best practices and professional knowledge, to assess the challenges of new technologies and Industry 4.0, to learn and develop their professional competences, and to obtain certifications.

The project will develop a model for linking vocational training and employment in the European construction sector by developing a curriculum and a handbook, developing online learning opportunities through the creation of a distance learning platform, developing an action plan for delivering the training, testing the curriculum (pilot implementation), and building a database of practical knowledge.

The VTDK will contribute to the development of the content and website design of the distance learning platform, the application of augmented reality technology on smartphones, the evaluation of the project and the testing of the developed materials, and the dissemination of the project ideas and results. The VTDK will also prepare a national report on distance learning, produce a Lithuanian version of the manual, pilot test the training materials, etc.

The results of the project will be significant for the development and improvement of practical knowledge and skills of students of the study programmes “Smart Building Engineering”, “Construction” and “Building Engineering Systems”, for the organisation of cognitive and building design, apprenticeships, workshops, updating of the content of study subjects and the integration of virtual tools and learning platforms.