For the convenience of our readers and to help them find the latest thematic information relevant to their studies and research that the library has to offer, we present the tool resources by topic (lecturers can see it in and students can see it in, where the following topics are grouped: VTDK recent acquisitions in the library, subscriptions and open access e-resources. The tool contains only the most recent print publications published in recent years, which the library has acquired and recommends to its readers, as well as e-resources. The tool will be continuously updated with new publications, and publications from previous years will be available in the Archive.
Easy to use!
Viewing resources is done by selecting a faculty (faculty-relevant resources): to find and view the latest library resources on a given topic relevant to you, select the faculty > View resources.
The following is a breakdown by > year of publication (the most recent books received by the library are sorted by year of publication) within the >year by subject.
Electronic resources are sub-divided into e-books, e-journals, databases, articles, searchable dictionaries, information.
You are also welcome to consult the Subject Librarian in charge of the faculty on a wide range of information retrieval issues.