Academic Council
The Academic Council is the governing body for the academic affairs of the College.
Anna Limanovskaja | Deputy Director for Academic Activities, Lecturer |
Members of the Academic Council | Goda Kiaunytė, Faculty of Design study programme Interior Design, DN20D student Domantas Milašius, student of Electrical and Automation Engineering EA21D-1, Technical Faculty PhD. Deividas Navikas, Dean of the Civil Engineering Faculty, Associate Professor, Vice-Chair of the Academic Council PhD. Alfredas Rimkus, Associate Professor Antanas Staponas, lecturer PhD. Gražina Strazdienė, Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Technical. Brigita Šustickienė, lecturer Rasa Valujavičienė, lecturer Benas Verslovas, President of the Students’ Representation of the College, AI22D-1. of the study programme Renewable Energy Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering student PhD. Rolandas Vitkūnas, Director of the College, Associate Professor, ex-officio member of the Academic Council |
Decisions of the Academic Council:
27 March 2023 The meeting decided to add the President of the Students’ Representation Ben Verslovas to the College Council, replacing Goda Kiaunytė. It was decided to approve the study programmes to be implemented Išmaniųjų pastatų inžinerija, Verslas ir muitinės veikla bei trumpųjų studijų programą Sistemų administravimas. Nutarta tvirtinti Vilniaus technologijų ir dizaino kolegijos dėstytojų pareigybių kvalifikacinių reikalavimų ir reikalavimų atestacijai per kadenciją aprašo redakciją, Vilniaus technologijų ir dizaino kolegijos fakulteto dėstytojų akademinės veiklos vertinimo už studijų metus tvarkos aprašo redakciją. Posėdžio metu nutarta teikti Kolegijos tarybai tvirtinti: Kolegijos struktūros pakeitimus; the revised Strategic Plan of Vilnius College of Technology and Design 2022-2024; The revised version of the description of the terms and conditions of staff remuneration.
21 March 2023 In place of at Eva Kalkiūtė to the Academic Council of the College nominated Benas Verslovas, President of the Students’ Representation of the College, student of the College. During the meeting it was decided to approve the list of candidates for the vacant Academic Council seat:
1. Lorita Butrimienė, Dean of the Faculty of Design, lecturer.
2. Jurgita Ginavičienė, lecturer.
3. Rasa Mazūrienė, lecturer.
4. Brigita Šustickienė, lecturer.
5. Airida Tylienė, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, lecturer.
6. Kristina Višnevskienė, lecturer.
1. Eglė Intienė, lecturer.
2. Virginija Urbonienė, lecturer.
3. Rima Vaičiuvienė, lecturer.
19 December 2022 The meeting decided to approve the Regulations on Studies. To carry out a progress analysis of students’ lecture attendance at the end of the autumn semester of 2022-2023 at the faculties according to their study programmes. Other resolutions were adopted.
21 October 2022 The meeting decided to approve the description of the procedure for the assessment and recognition of competences acquired through non-formal and informal learning, to approve the Investment Plan for the Equipment Requirement for MTEP 2022-2027, to submit the Investment Plan for the Equipment Requirement for MTEP 2022-2027 to the College Council for consideration, and to approve the total number of training places for the Vocational training department in 2023.
7 September 2022 The meeting decided to approve the list of candidates for the vacant Academic Council seat:
1. Associate professor, PhD. Audrius Čereška.
2. Associate professor, PhD Andrius Gulbinas.
3. Associate professor, PhD Dalia Matijkienė.
4. Associate professor, PhD Gražina Strazdienė.
5. Associate professor, PhD Edita Šarkienė.
To approve the composition of the Electoral Commission for the election of members of the Academic Council:
1. Eglė Intienė, lecturer.
2. Rima Vaičiuvienė, lecturer.
3. Veronika Žvirblė, lecturer.
It was decided to fix the date, time and place of the election of a member of the Academic Council to fill the vacant seat of a member of the Academic Council: 14 September 2022. 14 September 2022 at the Faculty of Civil Engineering (Antakalnio str. 54) from 8.30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m.; 14 September 2022 at the Faculty of Design and the Faculty of Technical (Olandų str. 16) from 1.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m.
It was decided to renew the Ethics Committee:
1. Diana Dzetlauskaitė, 3rd year student of Civil Engineering (SP20D-1).
2. Rasa Mazūrienė, lecturer.
3. Ričardas Šarupičius , UAB Veikmės statyba, Head of Engineering Systems Group.
4. Alvydas Šeibokas, head of the joint Lithuanian-Austrian company UAB “Archihalė”, architect, professor at the Department of Interior Design, Vilnius Academy of Arts.
5. Aušra Špūraitė, lecturer.
6. Urtė Žvirblytė, 2nd year student of Graphic Design study programme (DD21D-2).
It was decided to approve PhD Aurelijus Pitrėnas as a member of the Committee on Compliance with Research Ethics. Other resolutions were adopted.
8 June 2022 During the meeting it was decided to elect Virginijus Ramanauskas as a member of the College Council, not belonging to the students and staff of the College, Audrias Čepulis as a member of the College Council, not belonging to the students and staff of the College, and Jurgita Kuliešienė as a member of the College Council, not belonging to the students and staff of the College.
To announce the composition of the College Council for a five-year term of office (28 August 2022 to 27 August 2027):
1. Audrius Čepulis, Production Director of UAB “Vilniaus rentinys”; Member of the College Council, not a member of the College staff.
2. Petras Kaikaris, Lecturer; Member of the College Council and a member of the College staff.
3. Goda Kiaunytė, college student, President of the Students’ Representation, member of the College Council for the Students’ Representation.
4. Donatas Kriaučiūnas, Lecturer; Member of the College Council and a member of the College staff.
5. Romualdas Kučinskas, Associate Professor, Vilnius Academy of Arts, Member of the College Council, not belonging to the College staff, Student Representative Body.
6. Jurgita Kuliešienė, President of the Association of Lithuanian Driver Training and Qualification Schools; Member of the College Council, not a member of the College staff.
7. Virginijus Ramanauskas, CEO of UAB PERI; Member of the College Council not belonging to the College staff.
8. Vytenis Surblys, Associate Professor, Member of the College Council, on the staff of the College.
9. Marija Vaičienė, Associate Professor, Member of the College Council, part of the College staff.
It was decided to approve PhD Vytenis Surblis, Associate Professor, as Chief Editor of the journal “Technology and Art. Research and Current Issues”, to approve Urtė Žvirblytė, student of the Graphic Design study programme (DD21D), student representative, e-mail:, to be appointed to the Ethics Committee in place of Edvardas Marazas, student of the Electrical and Automation Engineering study programme (EI19D).
23 May 2022 The meeting decided to approve the date, time and place of the election of the members of the College Council: on 26 May 2022, the voting of the academic community will be organised at 54 Antakalnio Street (8.30-11.30 a.m.) and 16 Olandų Street (1.00 p.m.-4.00 p.m.). Other resolutions were adopted.
18 May 2022 The meeting decided to approve the renewed membership of the College Council for the remainder of the term of office of the College Council:
The President of the College Council is Alfonsas Jaras.
1. Lorita Butrimienė, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Design, lecturer.
2. Petras Kaikaris, lecturer.
3. Goda Kiaunytė, President of the Student Representation.
4. Laimutė Sladkevičienė, lecturer.
5. PhD Vytenis Surblys, Associate Professor.
6. Alvydas Šeibokas, head of the Lithuanian-Austrian joint venture UAB Archihalė, architect, professor at the Department of Interior Design, Vilnius Academy of Arts.
7. Kęstutis Vaicekiūtis.
8. Tomas Vyšniauskas, Creative Director of UAB Electromagnetico.
12 May 2022 The meeting decided to approve the date, time and place of the election of the members of the College Council to fill the seats of the two Council members whose term of office has expired for the remaining period of the Council’s term of office: on 16 May 2022, to organise the voting by the academic community at 54 Antakalnis Street (8.30-11.30 a.m.) and at 16 Dutch Street (1.00 p.m. – 4.00 p.m.). Other resolutions were adopted.
9 May 2022 The meeting decided: to organise faculty meetings to elect 8 candidates for the College Council on 13 May 2022. to organise a meeting of the academic community, during which the candidates for the College Council, who are members of the staff of the College, will introduce themselves to the academic community, and to assess the candidate Auksė Petruškevičiūtė as suitable for the position of the College Principal, to assess the applicant Rolandas Vitkūnas as suitable for the position of the Principal of the College, in accordance with the requirements set out in points 5 and 6 of the Procedure for the organisation of the election of the Principal of the College of Vilnius College of Technologies and Design by public competition, and to assess the applicant Rolandas Vitkūnas as suitable for the position of the Principal of the College, in accordance with the requirements set out in points 5 and 6 of the Procedure for the organisation of the election of the Principal of the College of Technologies and Design by public competition. Other resolutions were adopted.
28 April 2022 During the meeting it was decided to approve: the description of the procedure for election and recall of the members of the Council of Vilnius College of Technologies and Design, the description of the procedure for preparation, defence, evaluation and storage of final theses, the rules of admission of students to Vilnius College of Technologies and Design in 2022. The description of the procedure for the preparation, evaluation and storage of the final thesis, approved by Protocol No 14-1 of 31 January 2013, has been declared invalid.
25 April 2022 The meeting decided to submit to the College Council for approval a revised version of the Staff Conditions of Service.
21 March 2022 The meeting decided to approve the following: the wording of the General Requirements for Written Papers, the wording of the list of study programmes for which admission will be open in 2022. The following other resolutions were adopted.
23 February 2022 The meeting decided to approve: the list of study programmes for which admissions will be open in 2022, the tuition fees for the flow of students enrolled in the first year in 2022, and the indices of academic groups to be formed in 2022. It was decided to fix the total number of study places at the College at 4500 for the academic year 2022-2023. To apply a EUR 200.00 discount on the tuition fee for the second semester of studies to applicants who have signed a study contract for study places not financed by the state during direct admission and who have completed the first semester of studies with an average grade not lower than 8. Other Resolutions adopted.
9 February 2022 The meeting approved the nomination of Anna Limanovskaja, Deputy Director for Academic Activities, Lecturer, as Chairperson of the Academic Council; and of Dr. David Navik, Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering, as Vice-Chairperson of the Academic Council. Other resolutions adopted.
26 January 2022 The meeting decided to approve the revision of the Regulations on the awarding of scholarships and other support to students.
7 January 2022 During the meeting it was decided to approve: a plan for surveys, feedback and publicity of survey results to be carried out at the College in the academic year 2021-2022, and a description of the procedure for the monitoring of graduates’ careers. Other resolutions were adopted.
28 December 2021 The meeting decided to approve: the list of candidates for the membership of the Academic Council, the composition of the Electoral Commission of the Academic Council.
The date, time and place for the election of the members of the Academic Council were set at the meeting:
20 January 2022 Faculty of Civil Engineering (Antakalnio g. 54);
20 January 2022 at the Faculties of Design and Technology (Olandų g. 16).
8 December 2021 During the meeting it was decided to approve the following: the description of the procedure for the election of the members of the Academic Council of Vilnius College of Technologies and Design and the termination of their mandate, the description of the procedure for the uploading of the documents of the Vilnius College of Technologies and Design to the repository of the information system of the Academic Electronic Library of the Republic of Lithuania, the description of the procedure of the studies according to the individual schedule of studies, and the description of the procedure of the payment of fees for the studies.
19 October 2021 During the meeting it was decided to: approve the description of the procedure for the organisation of feedback for the improvement of the quality of studies, the version of the Regulations of the Research Foundation, the total number of training places for 2022 in the Vocational Training Department of Vilnius College of Technologies and Design.
The meeting approves a working group to update the description of procedures for the assessment and recognition of competences acquired through non-formal adult education by 30 November 2021:
1. Lorita Butrimienė, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Design, lecturer.
2. PhD Deividas Navikas, associate professor, Faculty of Technical.
3. Laimutė Sladkevičienė, Lecturer at the Faculty of Technical.
4. PhD Marija Vaičienė, Associate Professor, Faculty of Civil Engineering.
The meeting approves a working group to develop a Research and Development Strategy by 21 December 2021:
1. PhD Laura Gudelytė – Žilinskienė, lecturer at the Faculty of Civil Engineering.
2. PhD Dalia Matijkienė, Associate Professor, Faculty of Design.
3. PhD Alfredas Rimkus, associate professor, Faculty of Technical.
4. PhD Gražina Strazdienė, Dean of the Faculty of Technical.
5. PhD Vytenis Surblys, associate professor, Faculty of Technical.
6. PhD Edita Šarkienė, Associate Professor, Faculty of Civil Engineering.
21 June 2021. The meeting resolved to approve: the Strategic Action Plan for 2022-2024, the Strategy for 2022-2027 of Vilnius College of Technologies and Design, and the version of the description of the procedure for liquidation of academic debts.
22 April 2021. At the meeting it was decided: to include the President of the Students’ Representation Goda Kiaunytė in the membership of the College Council instead of Paulina Vaičiūnaitė, to submit comments and proposals on the wording of the description of the procedure for the liquidation of the academic debts before the next meeting of the Academic Council, to approve the rules of the admission of students to the College of Vilnius College of Technologies and Design in 2021, to publish the guidelines on ensuring academic ethics in distance learning prepared by the Office of the Ombudsman for Academic Ethics and Procedures in all the documents regulating studies at the College, to oblige the deans of the faculties to ensure the implementation of the guidelines prepared by the Office of the Ombudsman for Academic Ethics and Procedures in distance learning depending on the specifics of studies.
The meeting approved a working group for the preparation of questionnaires:
1. PhD Andrius Gulbinas, associate professor.
2. Goda Kiaunytė, student of the College, President of the Students’ Representation.
3. Edvardas Marazas, college student.
4. Kamilė Motovaitė, college student.
5. PhD Deividas Navikas, Associate Professor.
6. Diana Radzevičiūtė, Head of Quality and Document Management.
7. Brigita Šustickienė, Lecturer.
10 February 2021. The meeting resolved to approve: the list of study programmes to be admitted to in the academic year 2021-2022, the annual tuition fees for the flow of students enrolled in the first or second year of study in 2021, the indexes of the academic groups to be recruited in 2021. It was decided to fix the total number of study places at the College for the academic years 2021-2022 at 4500. To apply a EUR 200.00 discount on the tuition fee for the second semester of studies to applicants who have signed a study contract for study places not financed by the state during direct admission and who have completed the first semester of studies with an average grade of not less than 8. Other Resolutions adopted.
24 November 2020. The meeting resolved to approve the version of the Regulations of the Curriculum Committee, the publication of the journal “Technology and Art. The meeting also approved the list of members of the editorial board of the “Studies and Current Affairs” Committee. Other resolutions were adopted.
15 October 2020. The meeting decided to approve the version of the description of the procedure for the reimbursement of the tuition fees paid for studies.
30 September 2020. The meeting decided to approve the draft amendment to the Statute of Vilnius College of Technologies and Design and submit it to the College Council for consideration.
2 July 2020. The meeting resolved to approve the version of the Rules of Admission to Vilnius College of Technologies and Design for 2020.
19 June 2020. The meeting approved the composition of the Ethics Committee for a three-year term of office (28 June 2020 – 27 June 2023):
1. Audrius Čepulis, Production Director of Vilniaus Rentinys UAB.
2. Audra Juzakėnaitė, a student of the Graphic Design study programme (DD29D group).
3. Donatas Kriaučiūnas, lecturer at the College.
4. Edvardas Marazas, student of Electrical and Automation Engineering (EI19D group).
5. Alvydas Šeibokas, head of the Lithuanian-Austrian joint venture UAB “Archihalė”, architect, professor at the Department of Interior Design, Vilnius Academy of Arts.
6. PhD Rolandas Vitkūnas, associate professor at the College.
30 April 2020. The meeting resolved to approve the Rules of Student Admission to Vilnius College of Technologies and Design in 2020, the annual tuition fees for the flow of students enrolled in the first year of study in 2020, the version of the Procedure for Indexing Academic Groups, and the indexes of the academic groups to be newly formed in 2020.
12 March 2020. The meeting decided to add Paulina Vaičiūnaitė, President of the Students’ Representation, to the College Council and to add Edvardas Marazas to the Academic Council instead of Ben Preimonas; It was decided to apply a discount of EUR 300.00 on the cost of the second semester of studies to applicants who have signed a study agreement for study places not funded by the State during direct admission and who have completed the first semester of studies without academic debts. Other resolutions adopted.
At the meeting on 17 January 2020, it was decided to approve the wording of the general requirements for written work.
20 December 2019. The meeting resolved to approve the approval of the scientific journal of Vilnius College of Technologies and Design ,,Technology and Art. Research and Topical Issues”, the revision of the requirements for the preparation of articles, their peer review, ethical principles, the revision of the Regulations on the awarding of scholarships and other support to students. Other Decisions were adopted.
27 September 2019. The meeting resolved to accept the proposed restructuring of the structure of the College necessary for the implementation of the College’s Strategic Action Plan for 2019-2021, to approve the description of the procedure for improving the quality of feedback on studies.
28 June 2019. During the meeting it was decided to approve the version of the Rules of Admission of Students to Vilnius College of Technologies and Design in 2019, the Study Plans for the 2019-2020 academic year.
27 March 2019. The meeting resolved to approve the wording of the Description of Qualification Requirements and Requirements for Attestation during the Term of Office of the Lecturers of Vilnius College of Technologies and Design, the wording of the Description of the Procedures for Attestation of the Lecturers of the Vilnius College of Technologies and Design and for the Organisation of Public Competitions for Positions, the Description of the Procedures of Provision of Financial Assistance to Persons with Disabilities Who Are Studying at Vilnius College of Technologies and Design, and the indexes of the academic groups that will be newly formed in 2019. It was decided to approve the updated study programmes: Interior Design (state code 6531PX009), Graphic Design (state code 6531PX008), Multimedia Design (state code 6531PX011), Photography Technology (state code 6531PX010), Road Engineering (state code 6531EX022), Information Systems Engineering (state code 6531BX011), Railway Transport Engineering (state code 6531EX021), Transport Logistics (national code 6531LX036), Electrical and Automation Engineering (national code 6531EX023), Automotive Electronics Systems (national code 6531EX024), Energy Engineering (national code 6531EX020), Mechanical Engineering (national code 6531EX026), Automotive Maintenance (national code 6531EX025).
15 March 2019. The meeting resolved to include the President of the Students’ Representation Evaldas Striaukas in the membership of the College Council; to approve the following: the Strategy for Research and Experimental Development and Artistic Activities for 2019-2027, the version of the Description of the Procedure for Evaluation of Academic Performance of Faculty Teachers of the College of Technologies and Design for the Study Year, the Rules of Admission to the College of Technologies and Design in 2019, the list of Study Programmes to be accepted in the academic year 2019-2020, the annual tuition fees of the 1st year students enrolled in the first year of 2019. Other Decisions adopted.
30 January 2019. The meeting resolved to submit to the College Council for approval the Schedule of Conditions of Employment of Staff.
4 December 2018. The meeting resolved to approve the Strategic Goals, Objectives and Indicators of the SDC for the period 2019-2021, the General Requirements for Written Papers, and adopted other resolutions.
27 June 2018. At the meeting it was decided to approve the Study Plans for the 2018-2019 academic year, the publication of the Vilnius College of Technologies and Design scientific journal “Technology and Art. Research and Current Issues”, the revisions of the requirements for the preparation of articles, their peer review, ethical principles, the indexes of the academic groups newly formed in 2018, the Regulations on the Provision of Scholarships and Other Student Support, the Procedure for the Organisation of Internships, and the Procedures for the Reimbursement of the Cost of Studies. It was decided to revise the Guidelines for the Preparation of Final Theses for each field of study by 31 October 2018.
16 March 2018. The meeting approved the College’s 2018-2020 Strategic Action Plan and decided to submit it to the College Council, and decided to include the President of the Student Representation Evaldas Striaukas in the membership of the College Council and the Academic Council instead of Deimantė Frolovaitė, to approve the Strategy for the Development of Internationality for 2018-2020, the Terms and Conditions of Admission to Vilnius College of Technologies and Design 2018, the Rules for Admission of Students to Vilnius College of Technologies and Design 2018, the Registration Fee of EUR 40.00 for applicants to the College for the 2018-2019 academic year. Applicants who have signed a study agreement for non-state-funded study places by 25 July 2018 will receive a 50% discount on the tuition fee in the 1st semester of studies. Other resolutions adopted.
26 January 2018. At the meeting it was decided to approve the wording of the Rules of Procedure of the Academic Council, the list of study programmes to be admitted to in the 2018-2019 academic year, the annual tuition fees for the 1st year students enrolled in 2018, and to set the total number of study places at the College at 4500 for the 2018-2019 academic year. PhD Marija Vaičienė, Lecturer at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, was elected to the Academic Council in place of PhD Gražinas Strazdienė. Following the election of the new President of the Student Representation Evaldas Striaukas by the Student Representation, it was decided to delegate him to the Ethics Committee to replace Deimantė Frolovaitė.
30 October 2017. The meeting decided to approve the revisions of the Regulations on Studies, the Description of the Procedure for Payment of Tuition Fees and the Description of the Procedure for Changing the Funding of Student’s Studies.
27 June 2017. The meeting announced the composition of the College Council for a five-year term of office (28 August 2017 – 28 August 2022):
1. Lorita Butrimienė, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Design, Lecturer
2. Alfonsas Jaras, Vice President of the Lithuanian Builders’ Association, General Director and Chairman of the Board of Montuotojas AB
3. Deimantė Frolovaitė, college student, President of the Student Representation
4. Petras Kaikaris, Lecturer
5. PhD Gražina Strazdienė, Dean, Associate Professor
6. Alvydas Šeibokas, Head of the joint Lithuanian-Austrian company UAB ,,Archihalė”, architect. Associate Professor, Department of Interior Design, Vilnius Academy of Arts
7. Kęstutis Vaicekiūtis, Director of Vilnius City Municipality UAB Grinda
8. Tomas Vyšniauskas, Creative Director of UAB Electromagnetico
9. Eimutis Zakarevičius, Head of Study Service, lecturer
During the meeting it was decided to approve the indexes of the academic groups newly formed in 2017, the revisions of the Regulations of Studies, the Description of the Procedure of Payment for Studies and the Code of Academic Ethics of Vilnius College of Technology and Design, and the Ethics Committee of the following composition for the term of office of the College for the years 2017 – 2020:
1. Deimantė Frolovaitė, Student Representative, President.
2. Rima Marcinkevičienė, Lecturer, College Employee Representative.
3. Vincentas Vytis Stragys, Chairman of the Presidium of the Lithuanian Union of Civil Engineers (President), representative of social partners.
4. Alvydas Šeibokas, Head of the Lithuanian-Austrian joint venture UAB “Archihalė”, architect, associate professor at the Department of Interior Design, Vilnius Academy of Arts, representative of social partners.
5. Virginija Urbonienė, lecturer, representative of the employees of the College.
At the meeting on 9 May 2017, Alfonsas Jaras, Kęstutis Vaicekiūtis, Alvydas Šeibokas and Tomas Vyšniauskas were selected as the members of the College Council who do not belong to the students and staff of the College. It was decided to ask the Higher Education Council to evaluate these candidates.
On 27 April 2017, during the electronic meeting, the rules for admission of students to Vilnius College of Technologies and Design in 2017 were approved.
31 March 2017. The meeting resolved to approve the Rules of Procedure of the Academic Council, the Work Plan of the Academic Council, the description of the procedure for filling in the Vilnius College of Technologies and Design’s time sheets. The Regulations on Granting Scholarships and Other Support to Students and the Description of the Procedure for Issuing, Recording and Storing Documents Attesting Graduation were also approved.
1 February 2017. The meeting approved the nomination of Anna Limanovskaja, Deputy Director for Academic Activities, as Chair of the Academic Council; and David Navikas, Lecturer at the Faculty of Engineering, as Vice-Chair of the Academic Council. The nomination of Deimantė Frolovaitė, a student of the College and President of the Students’ Representation, to replace Inesa Bičkovaitė in the College and Academic Councils was approved. Other resolutions were adopted.