The BIM FORUM 2023.Te publicity event was held to promote the Erasmus+ international project “Advanced Digital Design Course for Modern Buildings, Developing the Skills of Young Engineers” (ADD_ON_SKILLS, Nr.2020-1-PL01-KA226-HE-095244)
During the Forum, insights and experiences were shared and discussed through the three thematic areas of the Forum:
- Digitisation in the construction sector, key challenges and issues
- Innovation and advanced solutions in BIM
- Opportunities and perspectives for BIM in the training of future engineers
The event was attended by representatives of companies and organisations from Lithuania, Poland, Latvia, Spain, Italy, Germany and other countries, as well as BIM specialists, lecturers, researchers and students. Presentations were given by representatives of UAB InnoBIM, UAB Staticus, UAB YIT Lietuva, UAB INHUS Engineering, UAB NOVA BIM, UAB Conres LT, representatives of VTDK and the University of Florence, lecturers and students. The results of the ADD_ON_SKILLS project were presented to the Forum participants by representatives of the project partners from the University of Technology of Bialystok (Republic of Poland), the University of Córdoba (Kingdom of Spain), the University of Florence (Republic of Italy), the Rezekne Academy of Technology (Republic of Latvia) and the Vilnius University of Technology and Design (Lithuania).
The event was organised by Airida Tylienė, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and coordinator of the project’s VTDK group.

Photos by A.Tylienė