BIP project "Creating the website for science shop needs" at the Faculty of Technology


5 October 2023 The Erasmus+ Blended intensive programme (BIP) project “Creating the website for science shop needs” has started at the Faculty of Engineering. The project involves students and lecturers from higher education institutions in three countries: 30 students from the Information Systems Engineering study programme of the Faculty of Technology, Assoc. PhD Jelena Mamčenko, lektorės Brigita Šustickienė ir Jolanta Pileckienė (Lietuva), 12 Taikomųjų mokslų universiteto Elektros ir automatikos studijų programos studentų (Estija) ir 5 Bragansos politechnikos instituto Informacinių technologijų studijų programos studentai (Portugalija). The aim of the project is to create a website to promote the workshop and to introduce Oracle APEX, the world’s most popular enterprise low-code application platform.

Remote meetings of the project participants will take place until 8 December 2023. In 2023, representatives from all countries will meet at the Faculty of Technology of Vilnius College of Technology and Design from 11-15 December.

Photos by B. Šustickienė