Building Engineering Systems: an educational trip to KAN Sp. z o. o's representative office in Lithuania


Structural engineering systems: an educational field trip to companies “KAN Sp. z o. o in Lithuania

In 2023 year November 21. An educational trip was organised for the 2nd year full-time students of the Building Engineering Systems study programme to the KAN Sp. z o. o representative office in Lithuania, which acts as the centre of the KAN Group. KAN Group is an experienced manufacturer of modern KAN-therm solutions and installation systems, recognised in Poland and Europe, and a supplier of complex multisystem installation systems for the construction of indoor water supply, heating and process plants.

The aim of this educational trip is to introduce students to the latest heating system materials and heating system control and management equipment, as well as examples of real heating system projects.

During the visit, Saulius Pyragas, Regional Manager of KAN, introduced the students to the latest equipment used in heating systems and installation solutions. Jurgita Gailiūnaitė-Vaitiekūnienė, the company’s technical solutions consultant, presented the underfloor heating system projects made with the KAN Set software.

Students had the opportunity to try out the company’s new products in practice and analyse installation solutions.

The students will apply the knowledge acquired during the educational trip to the practical and independent assignments in the subject “Heating of Buildings”.

The educational excursion was organised by Rūta Bilinskienė, lecturer at the Department of Civil Engineering.