The idea of bringing together former classmates and friends at the College has been a long time in the making. After all, former students of the College, who are familiar with the life of their higher education institution, and who have now gained practical work experience and achieved a lot in their professional careers, are excellent advisors and helpers to current students and the entire College community. In the alumni club, they can not only meet friends they have not seen for a long time, share their joys and worries, but also take an active part in the life of the college, get involved in the process of organising studies, share their experience with students, set up scholarships, offer internship opportunities in their organisations and companies, etc. Many alumni are keen to renew their links with the College community and to become involved in College life. Translated with (free version)
Therefore, in 2006, the College decided to set up an Alumni Club to help former students of the College to find each other, stay in touch with each other and exchange relevant information. It was decided that the College, in cooperation with the Alumni Club, would inform alumni and partners of the College about the most important events and current affairs of the College, would encourage them to contribute to the development of the College, and would invite former students to celebrate anniversaries. In turn, members of the Alumni Club will be able to share their academic, professional or personal experiences with the College community and students. Translated with (free version)
The first meeting of the Alumni Club Steering Group took place on 18 December 2007. It was attended by a large number of alumni who expressed their willingness to take part in the Club’s activities. As expected, during the first meeting, the alumni not only met their old friends, reminisced about their studies, but also discussed why it is worth joining the club, what could be the alumni’s contribution to the life of the academic community of the College, and discussed possible activities of the club.
Every year we try to support the activities of the Alumni Club, propose new initiatives and gather as many members as possible. New activities are constantly being considered.
All alumni are welcome to join the Alumni Club of the College.