Photography courses | Photographic technology


Technology of Photography

Photography courses

The Faculty of Design of the VTDK preparatory courses in photography for applicants intending to apply for the “Photographic Technology” study programme.
The knowledge and photography skills acquired during the course will help the applicant to complete the tasks of the entrance examination, to creatively compose photographic compositions, to choose the right photographic parameters, and to make a high-quality selection of photographs. The knowledge and skills acquired will help you feel confident during the entrance exam.

Duration of the programme 10 academic hours (5 sessions of 2 academic hours each)
Programme content: Introduction to the basics of photography, working tools, subject matter. Principles of composing a photographic still life. The peculiarities of lighting for still life photography. The peculiarities of still-life photography. Still-life photography, rendering the materiality of objects. Principles of selection of photographs.
Graduation document A certificate is issued to those who successfully complete the course programme.
Location: Vilnius College of Technology and Design, Olandų str. 16, Vilnius. 360 aud.
Time Registration is currently closed.
Price: 125 EUR. Groups of 4 or more (individual work – 180 EUR)
Working tools: Camera, charging cable
Contacts Kristina Višnevskienė tel. 8 674 04941, email
Lecturer Lecturer Antanas Ružė
Registration is open here: