Distance lectures by Kan-Therm representative for students of Building Engineering Systems study programme


Įmonės „Kan-Therm“ atstovo nuotolinės paskaitos Statinių inžinerinių sistemų studijų programos studentams

On 3 and 6 October 2023, remote lectures were organised for students of the Building Engineering Systems study programme by a guest speaker from Kan-Therm. The aim of these lectures was to introduce students to heating system installation solutions and materials, and to introduce the Kan-Set 7.3 programme for heating system design.

On 3 October 2023, a remote lecture by a representative of Kan-Therm was held for second-year full-time students of the Building Engineering Systems study programme. During the lecture, Jurgita Gailiūnaitė-Vaitiekūnienė, the company’s technical solutions consultant, introduced the students to the latest equipment used in heating systems and its installation solutions, and discussed design solutions for heating systems.

On 6 October 2023, a remote lecture by a representative of Kan-Therm was held for the third year part-time students of the Building Engineering Systems study programme, during which the Kan Set 7.3 programme for designing heating systems was presented.

Students will be able to apply the knowledge acquired during the remote lectures in the preparation of the course work of the study subject “Joint Project” and in the practical and independent assignments of the study subject “Heating of Buildings”.

Remote lectures for students of the Building Engineering Systems study programme were organised by Rūta Bilinskienė, lecturer at the Department of Civil Engineering.