Improving the internal governance structure of Vilnius College of Technologies and Design and Klaipėda State College
Priority 2 “Lifelong Learning” of the Operational Programme for the Development of Human Resources 2007-2013, Measure VP1-2.1-ŠMM-04-K “Improving the Efficiency of the Study System”.
Project No.: VP1-2.1-ŠMM-04-K-01-002.
Support contract signed on 8 March 2010, contract No VP1-2.1-ŠMM-04-K-01-002
Project duration – 24 months (March 2010 – March 2012)
Amount of project expenditure – 1 202 219, 47 Lt,
Amount of support – 1 202 219, 47 Lt.
The aim of the project is to improve the internal management structure of Vilnius College of Technologies and Design and Klaipėda State College after the merger of the two colleges in order to increase operational efficiency.
The training and internships implemented during the project will ensure more efficient work of the College Councils, Academic Councils and Faculty Councils, and will create preconditions for the formation of a supra-principcipal higher education culture in the SDC and the CCC. The concepts and integrated strategies for improving the management of the colleges developed by the project will enable the introduction of a more efficient management model by giving more autonomy to the units in planning the development of the units, encouraging them to be more interested in their performance and to use funds more rationally.
The valorisation plan measures developed and implemented by the project will ensure that the applicant and the partner’s socio-economic partners are properly informed about the strategy of the colleges and the results of the implementation of the strategic plans, which will ensure accountability to the public and a greater involvement of socio-economic partners in the implementation of the strategy, will contribute to the development of the social partnership, and will ensure that colleges’ activities are adapted to meet the changing needs of the business.
Project results:
The implementation of the project objectives and the achievement of the set target will result in greater efficiency of the applicant and partner institutions. The project thus contributes to the implementation of the National Study Programme’s objective 3.1 ‘Improving internal management systems of higher education institutions’, objective 3 ‘Increasing the efficiency of the study system’ and the overall objective ‘Establishing a good quality higher education delivery system’.