Gymnasium students from Lavoriškės Gymnasium in Vilnius r. visit the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the College


Gymnasium students from Lavoriškės Gymnasium in Vilnius r. visit the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the College

In 2023 year November 29. The Faculty of Civil Engineering of the College was bustling with a large number of students – the faculty was visited by the third and fourth graders of Lavoriškės Gymnasium in Vilnius district.

The students were introduced to the College, its structure, study programmes, and had the opportunity to visit the Faculty of Civil Engineering’s Material Science and Standardisation and Geodesy laboratories and training facilities.

The visit included a workshop “Learn a Profession”, where students were able to observe experiments and examine materials under a microscope, carry out practical tasks and answer questions. In the Geodesy Laboratory, gymnasium students were introduced to drone control technologies and their applications in engineering, tried to control a drone themselves and evaluate the images and results.

The experience and knowledge was shared with the students by the Head of the Department of Civil Engineering, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marija Vaičienė, lecturer Natalija Augūnienė.

The meeting with the students of Lavoriškės Gymnasium in Vilnius district was organised by the lecturer Egidijus Valma and the Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Construction Airida Tylienė.