Launch of the "Digital Transformation of Education (EdTech)" project


Vilnius College of Technologies and Design (VTDK) is launching the project “Digital Transformation of Education (EdTech)”, which aims to promote educational innovation based on digital technologies in the education sector.

The project is designed to enable innovation and to test and develop the competences of teachers through a tailor-made training programme aligned with the Digital Competence Framework for Educators (DigCompEdu).

The teachers taking part in the training course will test new technologies and apply them to the development of their subject content. Kaunas Technical College teachers have also joined the project training course.

The project will run throughout the year. By the end of December 2023, VTDK lecturers will have digitised the content of at least 14 subjects, and in the autumn they will have the opportunity to test some of the developed digital learning materials with the College’s students and get their feedback on their learning experience.

“Digitisation of subjects is not the only goal of this project. The project also includes the purchase of equipment for hybrid learning and the development, testing and deployment of a prototype of a distance/blended learning model.” – says Joana Lapkovskaja, Head of the International Relations and Project Management Department at VTDK.

The training will be delivered by the project’s lecturer-consultant Andrejus Račkovskis, who has more than 25 years of experience in the field of technology-enhanced adult learning and consulting for educational institutions.