Lecture by a Kiwa Inspecta expert


Lecture by a Kiwa Inspecta expert

In 2023 year December 5 d. Students from the second and third year of full-time and part-time studies at the Department of Civil Engineering attended a guest lecture on “Maintenance of Potentially Hazardous Installations”.

The lecture was given by Aleksandr Geraskin, Lifting Equipment Expert at Kiwa Inspecta UAB. Kiwa Inspecta is one of the few accredited companies in Lithuania that carry out technical servicing and inspection of potentially hazardous equipment and grant the right to use them.

Mr Geraskin introduced the students to the classification of potentially hazardous equipment, the requirements for the regular maintenance of lifting equipment used in construction, and the most common mistakes in the use of equipment. During the lecture discussion, the students asked the expert questions and were interested in possible failures and defects of lifting equipment. At the end of the lecture, the expert shared several examples of equipment emergencies in which people were injured.

The practical aspects of hazardous equipment maintenance covered in this lecture will reinforce students’ understanding of the importance of maintaining and safely operating potentially hazardous equipment. The knowledge gained will be useful in the students’ future professional activities in the safe organisation of construction installation work.

The lecture was organised by Edita Kačinskienė, lecturer at the Department of Civil Engineering.