The second year students Justė Antonovaitė, Gabija Kupčinskaitė, Egidijus Paulius Sebestinas, Liudas Vaškevičius and Izabelė Žiobakaitė opened the exhibition of photographs “The Riddles of Brutalism” in the 2nd floor corridor of the Faculty of Technology and Design.
According to the authors, Brutalist architecture evokes different ideas in people’s minds: some see it as something to be destroyed, something that spoils the image of the city as a whole, and is associated with uncomfortableness or coldness. For the photographers, this is one of the challenges for them, how to get a different perspective on an architecture with such a unique history.
They have tried to capture elements of this architecture that many people might overlook. In this exhibition, their photographs are intended to draw attention to the details of Brutalist buildings and give them parallels. For example, the details of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania resemble music and verticals, the Vilnius Sports Palace is like strings, steps, stairs or concrete waves. The young photographers invite the audience to take a look at their work and try to guess which buildings are captured in the photos.