29 February 2024 – 29 February 2024 – D-PBL: advancing project-based learning into the Digital Era (D-PBL: advancing project-based learning into the Digital Era, Nr. During the publicity of the project “Multilingual Car Mechanics E-Pictionary”, project No. 2022-1-LT01-KA220-VET-000087272, involving lecturer Dr Saulius Stravinskas and associate professor Dr Deividas Navikas, another project “Multilingual Car Mechanics E-Pictionary” was also presented. The main work has already been completed and the project is expected to end in August 2024.
The idea of the project and the possibilities of its implementation were presented to the participants. An electronic dictionary has been developed for transport workers and students to improve their English, Spanish, French, Slovenian, Estonian, Austrian and Lithuanian language skills. The link to this electronic dictionary is: www.carpictionary.eu. The dictionary consists of 7600 vocabulary items and is divided into chapters: “Engine”, “Car Electronics”, “Transmission”, “Chassis”, “Brakes system”, “Tools for car mechanics”, “Hybrid and Electric cars”, “Car body”, “Car interior”, “Car exterior” and “Automobile comfort”. The chapters of the dictionary have been divided into subsections in order to narrow the search. The visitor can browse not only the general dictionary database alphabetically, but also by section. The multilingual electronic photographic dictionary contains photographs of the main parts of the car, but when a smaller part is located in the cavity of a larger part, a tagging method has been chosen, with the named smaller part being tagged on top of the larger part. If the part is very small, not only the name of the part itself, but also the name of the larger assembly on the line below. This helps to better understand the structure of the car and to identify the part in the overall context of the car.
The project team hopes that the dictionary will not only be useful for students, but also for transport workers.