23 January 2023 The Second National Exhibition of Lithuanian Calligraphy opens at the Technical and Design Faculties of VTDK. The exhibition is a travelling exhibition, previously exhibited at the Lithuanian National Martynas Mažvydas Library, and will travel from our premises to Šiauliai. It is true that only a part of the exhibition is on display at the college (it didn’t fit all of it), but most of the works of famous Lithuanian calligraphers are on display here: the works of Prof. Alberts Gurskas, Bronius Leonavičius, Jokūbas Zovės and their students are on display, and Lithuanian calligraphy is presented here, from the classical calligraphy to the tradition of East Asia. The aim of the exhibition is to reflect the main current trends in the development of Lithuanian and world calligraphy, to reveal the diversity of its forms and styles, to increase its awareness and accessibility, and to broaden the public’s knowledge about calligraphy.