Structural engineering systems: educational excursions to UAB TECE Baltikum and UAB IMI Hydronic Engineering


24 April and 3 May 2023 Educational trips to UAB “TECE Baltikum” (Verkių str. 34 b) and UAB “IMI Hydronic Engineering” (Gerosios Vilties str. 38) were organised for the students of the second year of part-time studies of the Structural Engineering Systems study programme.

The aim of the educational trips is to introduce students to underfloor heating systems, their design, installation and control solutions.

During the visit to UAB Tece Baltikum, the company’s project manager, Robert Tichonov, introduced the students to the latest equipment used in heating systems and its installation solutions, and presented the projects of the underfloor heating system, which were carried out with Instal system-Tece 5 design software. During the visit to UAB IMI Hydronic Engineering, the company’s sales manager Antanas Valančius introduced the students to engineering systems management solutions, HySelect and HyTools programmes.

Students had the opportunity to try out new products from companies and analyse their installation solutions.

Students will apply the acquired knowledge in the course work of the subject “Heating of Buildings”, as well as in practical and independent assignments.

The educational excursions were organised by Rūta Bilinskienė, lecturer at the Department of Civil Engineering.