Exhibition of books awarded in the Latvian Book Art Competition
The most beautiful books of 2022, selected by the Latvian Book Art Competition “Zelta ābele“ (Golden Apple), are on display at the VTDK Library. books.
The most beautiful books of 2022, selected by the Latvian Book Art Competition “Zelta ābele“ (Golden Apple), are on display at the VTDK Library. books.
In the 1st floor corridor of the Technical and Design Faculties of the VTDK, you can see exposition of graphic design students (DD22D-1 and DD22D-2
On 7 June this year in the White Hall of the Vilnius University Old House Library opening of the exhibition of illustrations from the Visual
In 2023 year On 7 June, an exhibition of graphic works by second-year students of the Faculty of Design was opened in the Small Exposition
In 2023 year in the second half of May – early June, the works made during the Lighting Practice are exhibited in the Photographers’ Wing
In 2023 year June 12 The photography wing of the Faculty of Design hosts the exhibition “Vilnius 700 Years of Culture”, an exhibition of works
In 2023 year 6 June Vilnius University Library hosts an exhibition of photographs “Vilnius Bridges” by third year students of the Photography Technology study programme
June 5 The traditional Design Week kicks off in various Lithuanian cities. This time, our college was not left behind: together with the Technical University
You are cordially invited to the cartoon exhibition “It’s easy with cartoons” by Mirtad Gazaziano. Mirtad Gazazian – illustrator, animator, cartoonist. 40 years of experience
You are cordially invited to visit the book exhibition in Olandų st. 16 in the Library of the Training Palace from 25 May to 9
Interaktyviojo dizaino studijų programa pranoko visus mano lūkesčius
Lukas Lukoševičius
TableAir generalinis direktorius
Interaktyviojo dizaino studijų programa pranoko visus mano lūkesčius
Lukas Lukoševičius
TableAir generalinis direktorius