Educational excursion to UAB „Foto123“
First year students of the Photography Technology study programme at the Faculty of Design visited UAB „Foto123“ and learn about the process and possibilities of
First year students of the Photography Technology study programme at the Faculty of Design visited UAB „Foto123“ and learn about the process and possibilities of
In 2023 year in the second half of May – early June, the works made during the Lighting Practice are exhibited in the Photographers’ Wing
In 2023 year June 12 The photography wing of the Faculty of Design hosts the exhibition “Vilnius 700 Years of Culture”, an exhibition of works
In 2023 year 21 April The Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre has come up with a special idea to celebrate the National Lithuanian Libraries Week by presenting a playful exhibition of photographs “90 years ago. Such a story” Such a story“.
Interaktyviojo dizaino studijų programa pranoko visus mano lūkesčius
Lukas Lukoševičius
TableAir generalinis direktorius