The newly elected deans of the faculties of the VTDK begin their work


Vilnius College of Technologies and Design welcomes the start of the New Year with some changes in the leadership of the faculties. We would like to inform you that the deans of all faculties have been appointed.

Lorita Butrimienė becomes Dean of the Faculty of Design. When we asked her how she felt about taking up a position of responsibility, she spoke in the words of the Roman philosopher Seneca: “One can only know one’s own abilities after testing them”.

Dizaino fakulteto naujoji dekanė Lorita Butrimienė
Dean of the Faculty of Design Lorita Butrimienė. Photo by A. Sidorenko.

PhD Deividas Navikas, who has been elected Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, starts his new position with the following thoughts: “Challenges always force us to move forward with bigger steps than usual, but it is not always the speed of the steps that counts, it is the depth of the traces we leave.”

Statybos fakulteto naujasis dekanas - dr. Deividas Navikas
PhD Deividas Navikas, Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering. Photo by A. Sidorenko.

The Faculty of Technical will continue to be headed by the Dean, PhD Gražina Strazdienė, who will be guided by the following motto of Nobel Laureate Anatole France: “In order to accomplish great and responsible deeds, it is necessary to not only act, but also to dream, and not only to make plans, but also to believe in them”.

Technikos fakulteto naujoji dekanė - dr. Gražina Strazdienė
PhD Gražina Strazdienė, Dean of the Faculty of Technical Sciences. Photo by A. Sidorenko.