The XXXI Congress of the Association "Lineka" presents the new study programme "Business and Customs Activities" of the Faculty of Civil Engineering


3 May 2023 Jurgita Ginavičienė and Aurelijus Vaškys, lecturers of the Department of Business and Public Management at the Faculty of Construction, Vilnius College of Technology and Design, participated in the XXXI congress of the Lithuanian National Freight Forwarders and Logistics Association “Lineka” and presented the Vilnius College of Technology and Design and the new study programme – “Business and Customs Activities”.

The Congress was attended by members of the association “Lineka” (since 2016 VTDK has been a member of the association “Lineka”), the Deputy Director General of the Customs Department, the heads of the Confederation of Lithuanian Businesses (LVK), the Confederation of Lithuanian Industrialists (LPK), the Vilnius Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts, the representatives of LTG Cargo UAB, as well as representatives from other organisations.

The Congress was attended by the members of the association “Lineka” (VTDK since 2016).The guests and participants of the Congress shared best practices, discussed the challenges of the transport and storage services sector, the changing legal framework, the new tax reform, education, training, qualification development, and other topical issues.