Vidas Bareikis visits the VTDK: book presentation for students, music and motivational stories


Vilnius College of Technologies and Design (VTDK) hosted an extraordinary personality – Vidas Bareikis, a Lithuanian theatre actor, musician and writer.

Presented his book at a meeting with the students of the VTDK „VB knyga. Kūrybinė autobiografija, natos, tekstai ir naudingi patarimai“ , shared motivational stories, and, of course, performed some of their popular songs.

“If you are afraid to take up a new activity or profession in your life, then follow a simple rule: DO BE AFRAID. The important thing is not to hesitate!”, said V. Bareikis.

During the meeting, Bareikis not only answered the students’ questions, but also rewarded several of them with his autographed book.

For those who were not able to attend the meeting live, we invite you to watch the video: