6-10 February 2023 – In the framework of the Erasmus+ mobility programme, the Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Ms Airida Tylienė, and the Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Engineering, Dr Marija Vaičienė, visited the University of Castile-La Mancha (Spain).
The visit included meetings with the administration of the University’s School of Civil Engineering in Ciudad Real, international relations coordinators and staff of the International Unit, and with lecturers – researchers in various fields. Visits were made to teaching facilities and laboratories, and to student leisure areas.
During the meetings, the College and its international projects were presented, international interdisciplinary workshops, the researcher attraction programme and other College activities were organised, and good practices were shared. The Erasmus+ exchange programme for lecturers and students was also discussed, as well as English language study programmes and joint project activities. The involvement of university students in international workshops organised by the College was also discussed.
Meetings with the heads of the university’s materials, structures and geotechnical research groups showcased the research areas of the University of Castilla-La Mancha’s School of Civil Engineering, ranging from the study of the behaviour of the foundations of high-level nuclear waste repositories and the remediation of contaminated soils, to the study of numerical modelling (model applicability), the effect of steel-fibre-reinforced concrete in compression, and the study of the next generation of composite structures. Common research areas and topics for scientific and applied research were sought and discussions were held. The visit also provided an opportunity to observe the testing phase of the research.
Photos by A. Tylienė, M. Vaičienė