On 24-28 April 2023, Aurelijus Pitrėnas, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Technology, and Jolanta Pileckienė, Lecturer at the Faculty of Technology, visited the Federal Republic of Germany as part of two international projects (“Competence Network for the Digitalised World of Activities 4.0”, “Virtual Reality in Vocational Training”). During the visit, the lecturers had the opportunity to test innovative computer programmes for students of Mechanical Technology and Electrical and Automation Engineering study programmes, visited modern laboratories, classrooms and other facilities, and had discussions on topical issues.
They also met participants in the international project “Virtual Reality in Vocational Training” at the Horb School of Commerce and Home Economics in Horb (Federal Republic of Germany). During the project, the VTDK team created a three-dimensional visualisation of a welding robot’s action, which was tested with Virtual Reality (VR) goggles purchased by the College with funds from this project. During the meeting, the teachers presented the product to the project organisers and partners, organised a four-day training session and described their activities in a bilingual (Lithuanian and English) guidebook – a learning tool for teachers and students. The project organisers rated the results of the VTDK team as excellent.