2D modelling fundamentals (AutoCAD) course | Civil Engineering


Civil Engineering

2D modelling fundamentals (AutoCAD) course

Programos pavadinimas 2D modelling fundamentals (AutoCAD) course
Duration of the programme 15 academic hours
Programme content During the course, participants will learn the basic tools and functions of AutoCAD, the methodology of creating 2D models and drawings, the application of standards, and the preparation of graphic documentation. Specifics of machine manufacturing drawings and construction drawing.
Programme Completion Document Certificate
Location Antakalnio str. 54, class 419, 324 or 321.
Time 5,6,7 and 12,13 June, 16:00 – 19:00.
Price EUR 300 per person per course, minimum number of participants 5.
Contact details (name, surname, email, phone number) Daiva Makutėnienė, d.makuteniene@vtdko.lt
Register here: https://events.vtdko.lt/kursai