Animation Fundamentals Course | Media Art


Media art

Animation fundamentals course

The Animation Fundamentals course helps you to understand the general principles of animation pre-production and gives you the knowledge you need to independently develop and produce professional quality animation projects.
The Animation Fundamentals course consists of four parts.


Duration of the programme 20 ac. hours
Programme content Part I. Preparatory work for the film. Script writing, concept development, background and character sketching and framing. The course covers all stages of the preparation and production of an animated film, starting with the selection of a theme, the search and refinement of an idea, the search and critical analysis of analogues and references, the development of an animation concept, the creation of sketches, and the drawing of the frame. The course will include the development of an animatic animatrix, the analysis of the specifics and peculiarities of the chosen animated film genre.
Content. Topic. Idea. Extended idea. Synopsis. Script writing. Dramaturgy. Plot. Dialogue and narration. Moodbord, reference search and critical analysis of the animated film. Search for a conceptual solution for the animated film. Creation of environments and character sketches. Drawing the frames of the animated film. Plans. Camera movement references. Calculating the length of the scene. Use of dialogue in the frame. Preparation of the animatic. Analysis and review of specific requirements.
Graduation document A certificate is issued to those who successfully complete the course programme.
Location Vilnius College of Technology and Design, room 255. Olandų str. 16, Vilnius.
Time 8 May 2024 , Wednesdays at 17.00 The course consists of 5 sessions of 4 academic hours once a week.
Price per person: 200 EUR. Groups of 4 or more.
Working tools Drawing tools (pencils, markers, etc.)
Lecturer: Valentas Aškinis
Contact details (name, surname, email, tel no.) Kristina Višnevskienė tel. 8 674 04941, Email
Registration is open here:


Duration of the programme 20 ac. hours
Programme content Part II. Animation production work. Animation. Principles of motion creation. Processing of animated motion phases of characters. Graphics and colour. Filming. Computer processing of animated phases. The course provides an understanding of the general principles of animation production work/production and provides sufficient knowledge for those who wish to independently create and produce professional quality animated film scenes. The course covers all stages of animation production work and production, starting with the mastery of the principles of character animation, drawing the animation of specific scenes, continuing with computer processing, colouring and graphic arrangement of the drawn motion phases, and ending with the compositing of the coloured motion phases on the computer and the viewing of them on screen. The course will include the preparation of animated film material, i.e. character movement scenes that can then be edited into an overall film, and the analysis of the specifics and peculiarities of animated film movement.
Content. Animation basics – the alphabet of motion. Introduction. Basic principles of animation. The 12 principles. Animating scenes in an animated film. Features and differences between drawing motion phases in a computer program and scanning animated drawings. Colouring the phases of motion on the computer. Graphical processing of drawings and its specificities. Composition of the phases of motion into a single scene. Exporting the completed scene, generation of image files. Analysis of the specifics and features of movement.
Graduation document A certificate is issued to those who successfully complete the course programme.
Location Vilnius College of Technology and Design, room 255. Olandų str. 16, Vilnius.
Time 8 May 2024 , Wednesdays at 17.00 The course consists of 5 sessions of 4 academic hours once a week.
Price per person: 200 EUR. Groups of 4 or more.
Working tools Drawing tools (pencils, markers, etc.)
Lecturer: Valentas Aškinis
Contact details (name, surname, email, tel no.) Kristina Višnevskienė tel. 8 674 04941, Email
Registration is open here:


Duration of the programme 20 ac. hours
Programme content Part III. Animation technology. Drawn animation. Puppet animation. Flat marionette animation. Sand animation. Painting animation. Pixelation technique animation. Filmmaking and image compositing.
The course provides an understanding of the general principles of classical and experimental techniques in animation, and provides sufficient knowledge for those wishing to independently create and produce professional quality cartoon scenes. The course covers selected animation techniques from character development, through character animation, to compositing scenes on the computer. The course will focus on the preparation of animated film scenes using different techniques, and will analyse the specifics and peculiarities of the movement of animated films made using different techniques.
Content. Overview of different animation techniques and technologies. Introduction. Drawn animation. Drawing and filming. Animation of a flat marionette. Character preparation and filming. Puppet animation. Character preparation and filming. Sand (loose material) animation. Filmmaking. Painting animation. Filmmaking. Pixellation animation. Filming and computer processing. Final processing of filmed material.
Programme content Part III. Animation technology. Drawn animation. Puppet animation. Flat marionette animation. Sand animation. Painting animation. Pixelation technique animation. Filmmaking and image compositing.
The course provides an understanding of the general principles of classical and experimental techniques in animation, and provides sufficient knowledge for those wishing to independently create and produce professional quality cartoon scenes. The course covers selected animation techniques from character development, through character animation, to compositing scenes on the computer. The course will focus on the preparation of animated film scenes using different techniques, and will analyse the specifics and peculiarities of the movement of animated films made using different techniques.
Content. Overview of different animation techniques and technologies. Introduction. Drawn animation. Drawing and filming. Animation of a flat marionette. Character preparation and filming. Puppet animation. Character preparation and filming. Sand (loose material) animation. Filmmaking. Painting animation. Filmmaking. Pixellation animation. Filming and computer processing. Final processing of filmed material.
Graduation document A certificate is issued to those who successfully complete the course programme.
Location Vilnius College of Technology and Design, room 255. Olandų str. 16, Vilnius.
Time 8 May 2024 , Wednesdays at 17.00 The course consists of 5 sessions of 4 academic hours once a week.
Price per person: 200 EUR. Groups of 4 or more.
Working tools Drawing tools (pencils, markers, etc.)
Lecturer: Valentas Aškinis
Contact details (name, surname, email, tel no.) Kristina Višnevskienė tel. 8 674 04941, Email
Registration is open here:


Duration of the programme 20 ac. hours
Programme content Part IV. Animation final works. Backgrounds. Special effects. Composing images. Synchronisation of video and sound and final editing. Film credits. Preparation of the film print. The course helps to understand the general principles of animation post-production, i.e. the editing period, and provides sufficient knowledge for those wishing to independently produce a professional quality short (mini) animated film. The course covers the specific work involved in completing an animated film, starting with the creation of backgrounds and special effects, continuing with the preparation of the compositing of the images and the synchronisation of the sound, and ending with the preparation of the final copy of the film. The course will include the production of a short (mini) animated film, the analysis of the specifics of the animated film and the results achieved.
Content. Overview of different animation techniques and technologies. Introduction. Drawn animation. Drawing and filming. Animation of a flat marionette. Character preparation and filming. Puppet animation. Character preparation and filming. Sand (loose material) animation. Filmmaking. Painting animation. Filmmaking. Pixellation animation. Filming and computer processing. Final processing of filmed material.
Graduation document A certificate is issued to those who successfully complete the course programme.
Location Vilnius College of Technology and Design, room 255. Olandų str. 16, Vilnius.
Time Wednesdays at 17.00 The course consists of 10 sessions of 2 academic hours once a week.
Price per person: 200 EUR. Groups of 4 or more.
Working tools Drawing tools (pencils, markers, etc.)
Lecturer: Valentas Aškinis
Contact details (name, surname, email, tel no.) Kristina Višnevskienė tel. 8 674 04941, Email
Registration is open here: