Fundamentals of Filmmaking | Media Arts


Media art

Fundamentals of Filmmaking course

The aim of the Fundamentals of Filmmaking course is to provide an introduction to the basics of filmmaking and the principles of editing, and to give an overview of the filmmaking process. The course helps you to understand the general principles of filmmaking and provides you with sufficient knowledge to be able to shoot and edit professional quality films on your own. The course provides an overview of all stages of film making, the principles and capabilities of film cameras, the principles of scriptwriting, filming, the basic aspects of camera work, some of the rules of filming, the basics of composition, lighting, sound. The course will analyse the specifics of the interview genre, the peculiarities of filming events and storylines.

A certificate is issued to those who successfully complete the course programme.


  1. Filming and fixing equipment lighting. Basic filming plans and shots. Portrait lighting practices.
  2. Artificial light sources. Practicing filming two and three character conversations.
  3. Film cameras and film cameras. Sony Nex film camera control practices.
  4. On-site filming. Practice of audio recording equipment and its synchronisation.
  5. Basic audio and video file formats. Practice of panning from a tripod and direction of movement in the frame.
Group: consists of at least 3 persons
Start: Renkamos naujos grupės nuo 2025 m. vasario 21 d.
Duration: The course consists of 5 sessions of 4 academic hours once a week (20 academic hours in total).
Laikas: Penktadieniais nuo 17.00 val.
Location: Olandu st. 16 16
Price per person: 290 Eur. Nesusidarius grupei yra galimybė išklausyti kursus individualiai.
Lecturer: Vytautas Gradeckas

Contact details:

Kristina Višnevskienė tel. 8 674 04941 el. p.