Insulation, earth and earthing resistance measurement courses | Electrical Engineering


Electrical Engineering

Insulation, earthing and earthing resistance measurement courses

The training is designed to provide electrical personnel with the necessary knowledge and skills to safely and reliably perform insulation and earth resistance measurements on existing electrical equipment.

Programme duration 40 hours
Initial competences required Valid intermediate qualification (VQ) in electrical engineering.
Programme content
  • Safety rules for the operation of electrical installations.
  • Rules for earthing and installation of electrical equipment.
  • Standards for insulation and earth resistance testing of electrical installations.
  • Insulation and earth resistance instrumentation technologies.
  • Practical measurement of insulation and earth resistances.
Graduation certificate A certificate is issued upon completion of the training.
Location Olandu st. 16 16, Vilnius.
Time Registration is currently closed.
Price 120 EUR. Courses start with a group of at least 3 people.
Kontaktai pasiteirauti (vardas pavardė, el paštas, tel. nr.) Kristina Višnevskienė tel. 8 674 04941,
el. p.:
Registration is open here: