Special initial courses for driver trainers and driving instructors | Automotive Transport Engineering


Automotive transport engineering

Special initial courses for driver trainers and driving instructors

Vilniaus kolegijos Technikos fakultetas skelbia registraciją į specialiuosius pirminius kursus vairuotojų mokytojams ir vairavimo instruktoriams. Kursai organizuojami pagal Lietuvos Respublikos susisiekimo ministro patvirtintą mokymo planą, kurio apimtis 160 akademinių valandų bei Vilniaus kolegijos patvirtintas mokomųjų dalykų programas.

Training plan

Subject headings Theory Exercise Total hours Settlement form
1. Lithuanian language culture, business language, writing 10 6 16 Credit
2. Pedagogy (andragogy) 10 22 32 Examination
3. General, educational (andragogical) and traffic psychology 12 12 24 Examination
4. Bendroji, pedagoginė (andragoginė) ir eismo psichologija 20 20 40 Exam*
5. Occupational safety and health, environmental protection of transport, economical driving 8 8 Credit
6. Legal bases for the training of motor vehicle drivers and the acquisition of the right to drive 4 4 Credit
7. Road rules and road safety 4 4 Exam**
8. Driver Training Theory Knowledge Training Course 10 4 14 Exam*
9. Practical driving skills training course for drivers, assessment criteria for practical driving tests 14 4 18 Exam*
Total hours 92 68 160

* In addition to the test, each prospective driver trainer or driving instructor (depending on the field of training) develops a lesson methodology and teaches an open lesson (the topic of the lesson, if not specified by the subject teacher, can be chosen independently according to the content of the driver training course). If a person is preparing to become a driver trainer and driving instructor, the lesson delivery method and the open lesson shall be from the field of practical driving training only.

** The test is taken at the state enterprise Regitra in accordance with the test methodology for the category of vehicle for which the driver trainer or driving instructor will be training drivers.

Įskaitų ir egzaminų rezultatai įforminami Vilniaus kolegijos nustatyta tvarka.

Group: minimum of 10 persons
Pradžia: Kursų tvarkaraštis pradėdamas derinti susidarius ne mažiau kaip 10 asmenų grupei.
Duration: Total 160 akad. hours
Olandų st. 16, Vilnius
Kursai vyksta nuotoliniu būdu platformoje Micrososft Teams
Kaina asmeniui: 350 Eur***
Registracija: https://events.vtdko.lt/kursai

*** Asmuo, atvykęs į pirmą užsiėmimą, turi pateikti įmoką liudijantį dokumentą (banko kvitą, pervedimo internetu kopiją). Pinigus pervesti į Vilniaus kolegijos sąskaitą: duomenys bus patikslinti, įmokos kodas – duomenys bus patikslinti, įstaigos kodas – LT119651314 (siūlome pinigus pervesti likus 1-2 dienoms iki kursų pradžios, kai žinosite, kad susidarė grupė ir kursai vyks).

Contact details:

Kristina Višnevskienė, el. p. k.visnevskiene@tef.viko.lt, 867404941


Submitted on 15 November 2021. Excerpts from points 20, 22, 23 and 24 of the “Description of Requirements for Driving Schools”, approved by Order No 2BE-307 of the Director of the Lithuanian Transport Safety Administration, which specify the education and driving categories required for a driving instructor and a driving instructor:

“20. A driving instructor shall have: a university or college degree or post-secondary education completed before 2009, or special secondary education completed before 1995; the right to work as a driving instructor granted in accordance with the procedure laid down by the administration; the right to drive and three years’ driving experience in the categories of vehicles in which he/she provides driving training.”

“22. A driving instructor must have: a university or college degree or post-secondary education completed before 2009 or special secondary education completed before 1995; a licence to work as a driving instructor granted in accordance with the procedure laid down by the administration; the right to drive and three years’ driving experience in the categories of vehicles in which he or she provides driver training; a decision of the health authority authorising the driving of specially adapted vehicles and three years’ driving experience in vehicles adapted for disabled persons if he or she intends to provide training to persons with impaired mobility. ”

“23. Persons with reduced mobility who, on the basis of a decision of a personal health care body, are allowed to drive specially adapted vehicles may be given the right to drive training for the same persons. These persons must have three years’ experience of driving vehicles adapted for disabled persons, the requisite qualifications for a driving instructor, and a licence to work as a driving instructor granted in accordance with the procedure laid down by the Administration.”

“24. Persons wishing to obtain the right to work as driver trainers and/or driving instructors shall be required to complete a special initial course at a higher education institution with which the Administration has concluded an agreement for the provision of such training. The list of training institutions organising special initial courses for driver teachers and/or driving instructors (hereinafter referred to as ‘training institutions’) shall be published on the website of the Administration.”