Targeted benefits
Please be informed that from 1 February 2023 to 16 March 2023 (inclusive) , the application process through the Information System for Scholarships and Financial Assistance to Students (hereinafter referred to as IS “PARAMA”) for the targeted benefit for the spring semester 2023 during the additional admission period will start.
To receive the targeted allowance during the main enrolment period, students must log in to the IS “PARAMA” via the Foundation’s website [] and electronically fill in the prescribed application form (Targeted allowance, Spring Semester 2023). Only by completing the application form in this way can a student apply for the targeted allowance at the time of admission.
As a reminder, the targeted student allowance is granted for one semester of study and is payable each month until the end of that semester, including the session and holiday period of that semester, but no longer than until the end of your studies.
State-supported loans
We are announcing the opening of applications for the spring semester of state-supported loans. Students will be able to apply online from 7 February 2023 at 8:00 am until 7 March 2023 at 15:00 pm
All types of loans are available in spring. The amount of the state-supported tuition fee loan cannot exceed the portion of the tuition fee paid in the spring semester, and the living expenses loan is €1 960. Students can borrow up to €2,940 for part-time studies under international (inter-agency) agreements.
More information: