


Application documents

Foreign citizens applying for studies at VTDK must submit these compulsory documents by July 31st, 2023 to

  1. Application Form
  2. Education documents (certificate, diploma) with supplements (which must be legalized or labeled with Apostle for non-EU citizens): a document verifying the qualification received abroad (according to decree No. 60 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, January 21, 2005, regarding Qualifications Received Abroad Enabling Enrolment in Higher Education, and Higher Education Qualification Assessment and Academic Recognition Guideline Ratification (News, 2005, No. 12-369)). The applicant has to present this Qualification recognition certificate, issued by the Center for Quality Assessment in Higher Education (Lithuania), before the beginning of studies (more information can be found here: On the initial application, simple copies of education documents are sufficient. Completed secondary education is a prerequisite for all study programmes at VTDK.
  3. The English language knowledge (B2 level) can be proved only during the Motivation interview, conducted online by the admission specialist(s).
  4. Notarized copy of a personal identification document. On the initial application, a high-definition copy of such a personal identification document is sufficient.
  5. Two document-sized photos. On the initial application, a digital photo in the application form is sufficient.

Please note, that based on the country specific requirements for Qualifications obtained in foreign countries stated by the Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education (SKVC) applicant’s qualification might be recognized partially and the applicant might be requested to submit evidence of post-secondary education.

Non-EU and non-EEA applicants must obtain adequate documents for visa or Temporary Residence Permit (TRP) (unless visa-free agreements exist between the country of citizenship and Lithuania). A national D type visa is required for full-time studies in Lithuania. From January 1, 2023 applicants for full-time studies at Lithuanian higher education institutions are also permitted to apply for the TRP. When the student is admitted, the College prepares and provides all documents necessary to apply for a visa or TRP.

Please note that we organize only one intake per academic year (October 1st).


Foreign students are not insured by the Vilnius College of Technologies and Design.

Therefore, we ask you to take out your own travel insurance covering at least acute illnesses and accidents, for their whole exchange period in Lithuania. All international students are required to have adequate medical insurance, which might be obtained in their own country or with Lithuanian insurance companies. The latter is recommended because in that case, it will be easier to get a visa, a residence permit, and compensation for medical expenses. Citizens of EU countries should apply for the European Health Insurance Card before leaving their country, and they should carry it with them at all times. Insurance holders should be aware that in case of illness, they should pay the medical costs themselves, requesting documents from the medical facility that describe the medical services that were given to a student (and their cost). After that, the insured person should contact his/her insurance company and request those expenses to be refunded.

Visa and residence permit

Citizens of the European Union do not need a visa.

Non-EU citizens who come to Lithuania to study for full-time studies must apply for (1) a national D type visa at an embassy of the Republic of Lithuania in their country or (2) for a TRP in a responsible VFS center in the country preferred by them. Visa is usually issued for a period of up to 1 year, the TRP – for 2 years. The additional visa application documents must also be for a 1 year period (health insurance and proof of subsistence document). VTDK issues mediation documents for the applicants who have completed the application procedure (who have submitted all necessary documents, received a provisional acceptance letter, and paid the fees as stated in the invoice they receive). Those students, who entered Lithuania on visa, apply (locally) for a TRP at the Migration Department of Lithuania before the initial visa expires. Those who arrived on TRP – extend it before the initial TRP expires. More information can be found here: